World Climate Summit.

Thursday __673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4
PROGRAM # 9432 12:00 PM PDT

World Climate Summit.

World leaders gather in Glasgow, Scotland for the 26th UN Climate Conference to talk about ways to tackle climate change and reduce global carbon emissions to net zero. Latinos in the US and Latin America and the Caribbean have been among the hardest hit by global warming and climate migration. What are the pledges from President Biden? A top environmentalist leader joins the conversation from Glasgow and discusses agreements to stop coal production, methane emissions and deforestation and climate finance. A community activist from California also comments on the prospects for climate change provisions included in the Build Back Better bill that faces head winds in Congress.

Guests: Ramon Cruz, President, Board of Directors, The Sierra Club, Glasgow, UK; Ben Monterroso, Senior Advisor, Poder Latinx, West Covina, CA


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