Climate Crisis Summit.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, APRIL 26
PROGRAM # 9237 12:00 PM PDT

Climate Crisis Summit.

As carbon emissions are expected to surge after the pandemic, President Biden pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030. He also called on world leaders joining the climate crisis summit on Earth Day to accelerate their own plans to meet the goals of the Paris climate pact. Biden said the US can reach the new goal through his jobs or infrastructure plan, which boosts investments in clean energy and cuts fossil fuel use. What are the key details of the plan? What does it mean for Latinos and communities of color? Analysts applauded the restart of the high-level conversations on climate change, the need to do more, the promise to invest in modernizing roads, bridges, airports, expanding broadband service, and investing in re-training workers from the fossil fuel industry to be prepared fo the green economy. Listeners pondered the benefits of electric vehicles and warned about the perils of contamination by the oil and ag industry in the Central Valley and the threat of the new rise of anti-science political interests.

Guests: Frances Colón, Environmental Policy Expert, Member of Biden Presidential Transition Team, Washington, DC; Vanessa Cárdenas, Environmental Policy Analyst, Washington, DC; Linda Escalante, Southern California Legislative Consultant, The Natural Resources Defense Council, Los Angeles, CA.


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