Paris Climate Summit.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30.
PROGRAM # 7663 12:00 PM PT

Paris Climate Summit.

Starting today, world leaders meet in Paris in the UN Climate Conference, expecting to get for the first time a major global deal to curb global warming. The Conference of the Parties is divided about who is responsible to cut emissions of greenhouse gas and who must pay. Outside the summit, demonstrators clash with anti-riot police and thousands stage non violent protests. International experts comment on the expectations for the summit and legislative leaders in California announce they are traveling to Paris for the summit.

Guests: Mildred Real, Founder and Executive Director, America Verde/Common Ground for Conservation, Miami, FL; Jorge Gastelumendi, Director, Global Policy Lead for Water, Nature Conservancy, Washington, DC; (Recorded soundbites) Sen. Kevin de Leon, California Senate President Pro Tempore; Sen. Ricardo Lara, California State Senate, Sacramento, CA.


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