Drought Emergency Continues.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 14.
PROGRAM # 7761 12:00 PM PT

Drought Emergency Continues.

With El Niño’s rainfalls falling short of expectations, there is talk of a fifth year of drought in California. Although water use has dropped to unprecedented levels, Californians are urged to continue their emergency water-saving habits. In this program, analysts focus on congressional bills that seek to help the worst drought-stricken communities and state actions to provide emergency help to workers displaced by the devastating drought.

Guests: Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, California 46th District, Washington, DC, http://lorettasanchez.house.gov; Myriam Barajas, Public Information Officer, California Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, CA; Juan Flores, Community Organizer, Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment, Delano, CA, www.crpe-ej.org

Photo: drought.ca.gov

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