Communities Responding to Emergencies.

Thursday _673x324 12pmTHURSDAY, AUGUST 26
PROGRAM # 9361 12:00 PM PDT

Communities Responding to Emergencies.

Raging wildfires in California are engulfing mountain towns in flames, covering skies with huge clouds of smoke, and forcing first responders to operate in crisis mode. How can families and communities prepare for emergencies? How can vulnerable communities build collective resiliency? How can people come together in people-to-people networks to provide care, save lives and reduce risks? Veterans from previous disasters share memories and stories on valuable lessons learned after wildfires devastated their areas and share advice for those who may face similar challenges. A spokesperson from a leading humanitarian non-profit agency shares practical resources for communities in need.

Guests: Hugo Mata, Program Host, KBBF, Santa Rosa, CA; Ricardo Ibarra, Reporter, Santa Rosa, CA; Cynthia De La Torre, Bilingual National Spokesperson,  American Red Cross, Las Vegas, NV.


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