“Code Red for Humanity.”

Monday_673x324MONDAY, AUGUST 16
PROGRAM # 9349 12:00 PM PDT

“Code Red for Humanity.”

UN scientists are warning that global warming is fastly worsening, the world is running out of time, and humans are “unequivocally” to blame. “The alarm bells are deafening,” they say. What are the takeaways of the UN report? What are the foreseeable scenarios? How to save the planet? Top environmental analysts talk about the dramatic scientific report and other news, including NASA’s prediction about the end of Acapulco, Cancun, Cabo San Lucas and other port cities due to rising of sea levels, how the recent heatwave cooked millions of clams and other sea life along the Pacific Northwest, economists forecast that the climate crisis will hit industrialized nations’ GDP twice as hard as the Covid pandemic crisis, and the way plastic pollution in the ocean is hitting communities of color harder than others.

Guests: US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, The White House, Washington, DC; Ramón Cruz, President, The Sierra Club, Brooklyn, NY; Laura Martinez, Communications Director, Azul, New York, NY.

Photo: Climate Change/Facebook

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