Climate Change Threatens Public Health. Also, Cities Want Their Own Public Banks.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MAY 29
PROGRAM # 8617 12:00 PM PT

Climate Change Threatens Public Health.

For years, California has been hit by devastating wildfires, floods, droughts, and dangerous heat waves, which are expected to continue and multiply. Activists warn that if no urgent policy action is taken, the human-caused global warming will soon become a public health care crisis, and especially disadvantaged communities will be hit by epidemics, injuries, and loss of wellness. An environmental leader discusses findings of a study.

Guest: Linda Escalante, Director, Southern California Legislative Advocacy, Natural Resources Defense Council, Santa Monica, CA.

Cities Want Their Own Public Banks. With support from cities and public banking activists, California legislators are pushing a first-of-its-kind bill that allows cities to create their own banks. The authors of the AB 857 bill propose to redirect public funds from Wall Street mega-banks that invest in fossil fuels, private prisons, and gun manufacturers to fund community-owned banks. The policymaker also comments on the approval in the Assembly of a bill that would provide access to full Medi-Cal for undocumented young adults and elders.

Guest: Miguel Santiago, Assemblyman, Democrat, co-autor of AB 857, Los Angeles, CA.


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