Zika Virus Outbreak. Also, Massive Lead Contamination.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8.
PROGRAM # 7713 12:00 PM PT

Zika Virus Outbreak.

The Zika virus is now a global health emergency. Puerto Rico and parts of Florida have declared a state of emergency due to the rapid spread of the outbreak of this virus, which is associated with brain damage in newborns. Now the first case of the Zika virus being transmitted through sex has been reported in Dallas, Texas. An expert explains what this outbreak means and ways to get protection.

Guest: Dr. Ricardo López, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Orlando Health Physicians Associates, Orlando, FL.

Massive Lead Contamination. Thousands of homes through several communities in Los Angeles are contaminated with high levels of lead, a toxic metal that causes brain damage to children. Exide, a battery recycling plant blamed for the poisoning, faced a criminal investigation and has now shut down. Many residents live in fear and many are outraged at the slow pace of the clean up work, the largest in the history of California. A county supervisor has urged an independent investigation into this environmental disaster. Why did it take so long to take action and why is the clean up effort so slow?

Guest: Hilda Solís, County Supervisor, Los Angeles, CA; Joe González, Resident of contaminated community, Boyle Heights, CA.

Photo: CDC Travelers’ Health/Facebook

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