Mueller Hearing. ICE Agents Broke Window, Arrest Immigrant. Clean Water Bill Signed Into Law.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JULY 24
PROGRAM # 8657 12:00 PM PT

Mueller Hearing.

Special Counsel Bob Mueller testifies today before Congress to answer additional questions about his report on ties between Russia and Trump’s campaign and obstruction of justice. On other news, the House votes down a motion to impeach President Trump. At his testifying before two committees, Mueller stated that his report proves that Russia interfered in the 2016 election with the purpose of benefitting Trump’s election, that his report didn’t exonerate Trump, and that the president can be indicted after he leaves office. Listeners call in to comment on the special investigation.

Guests: (Audio Cuts) Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Chairman, House Judiciary Committee, US House, Washington, DC; Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, D-Florida, Washington, DC.

ICE Agents Broke Window, Arrest Immigrant. In Kansas City, ICE agents broke the window of a car to arrest an immigrant father in front of his family. As his children watched and cried and his wife videotaped the incident, agents dragged him and handcuffed him. Immigrant advocates are now questioning the role of local police in this violent incident and consider suing ICE.

Guest: Naomi Tolentino, Board President, Advocates from Immigrants Rights and Reconciliation (AIRR), Kansas City, KS

Clean Water Bill Signed Into Law. California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed today a landmark bill creating a safe drinking water fund to help disadvantaged communities that are hit by water contamination have access to clean water. A leading advocate who attended the ceremony in the rural town of Sanger calls this a “historic moment.”

Guest: Veronica Garibay-Gonzalez, Co-Director, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, Fresno, CA.


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