Fixing the Parks. Also, Omnibus Bill Passes Without Dream Act.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 22
PROGRAM # 8291 12:00 PM PT

Fixing the Parks.

Green spaces and parks are known to help reduce health costs and combat asthma and diabetes. Still, only one third of people in the US can walk to a park within ten minutes. In Fresno, capital of the worst air pollution in the country where most parks are in disrepair, local groups are mobilizing neighbors to fix the parks and voters to support a sales tax proposal in November. Community leaders spearheading those efforts also comment on the disparity between the park desert ares of the South and the developed North and city plans to invest in green areas, public parks and community gardens. Also, they comment on California’s Proposition 68, in the June ballot, which proposes funds for local parks and especially new parks in neighborhoods that are park poor, as well as investing in safe drinking water projects and measures to protect against the drought.

Guests: Sandra Celedon, Executive Director, Fresno Building Healthy Communities, Fresno, CA; Grecia Elenes, Policy Advocate, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, Fresno, CA

Omnibus Bill Passes Without Dream Act. The House of Representatives passed a spending bill that brings increased funding for the military and for domestic spending, but leaves out any plan to give relief to Dreamers. A Republican congressman denies the Dreamers are being used as bargaining chips and taken hostages by the Republican leadership.

Guest: (Audio Recording) Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Modesto, Washington, DC.


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