Climate Change and Anti-Racism Action.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3
PROGRAM # 9159 12:00 PM PST

Climate Change and Anti-Racism Action.

Joe Biden is placing environmental justice in the front burner of his bold climate change plan, creating a new White House council on environmental justice. Cecilia Martínez, a long-time critic of racism and injustice, was chosen to lead the team. Guest analysts discuss what to expect from the new plan, including using the government’s buying power to transform the federal fleet and create jobs in the clean energy industry, impose new regulations on polluting companies, and rebuild a number of environmental programas dismantled during the Trump administration. They also discuss the goals to have larger investments in green technologies and clean energy in communities of color, that live near toxic landfills, oil refineries, and major sources of pollution. Also, a reporter gives news about a bill in Oregon to place a moratorium on mega dairy farms, which are large-scale catle operations linked to waste, pollution and climate change.

Guests: Vanessa Cardenas, President at CardenasStrategies LLC, Senior Advisor at League of United Latin American Citizens, Washington, DC; Esther Sosa, Project Manager, Political Affairs Team, Environmental Defense Fund, Washington, DC; Arturo Sarmiento, Station Manager, KTUP- Radio Poder, Salem, OR

Photo: Sierra Club Maryland Chapter/Facebook

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