
Millions of young adults currently lack health insurance. Many of these 19 to 25 year olds are called the “young invincibles” because they may feel that they do not need insurance because they are less likely to get sick than older Americans. Yet, a recent poll says that young adults do worry about paying medical bills and the risk of being uninsured. Their participation in the health insurance market will be critical for the success of the Affordable Care Act. What new protections do young adults have under the new health reform law? How are the promoters of the law trying to overcome the reluctance of “young invincibles” to seek health insurance?

Guests: Mayra Álvarez, Director of Public Health Policy in the Office of Health Reform, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC, http://www.hhs.gov/; Aurora García, California Outreach Coordinator, Young Invincibles, Los Angeles, CA, younginvincibles.org/; César Díaz, resident, Oakland, CA.

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