Immigration Shift in Alabama. Also, Immigration Shift in Nebraska.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JUNE 2.
PROGRAM # 7534 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Shift in Alabama.

The Tuskegee City Council passed a resolution declaring Tuskegee the first city in Alabama to officially welcome immigrants and adopt a TRUST policy, which prohibits the warrantless detention of people at the request of immigration authorities. Four years ago, Alabama enacted the anti-immigrant law HB 56, announced as the nation’s toughest immigration law.

Guests: Jessica Vosburgh, Director, Adelante Alabama Worker Center, Staff Attorney for National Day Laborer Organizing Network; Birmingham, AL; Yazmine Contreras, Organizer, Adelante Workers Center, Birmingham, AL; Marisela Garcia, Activist Fuerza Alliance for Immigrants – Birmingham, Birmingham, AL

Immigration Shift in Nebraska. The Nebraska legislature voted by overwhelming majority to override Gov. Pete Ricketts’ veto of a bill to allow young people with DACA to apply for driver’s licenses. Nebraska is now the last state in the nation that has a law allowing DACA youth to get licenses.

Guests: Fatima Flores, Community Leader, Heartland Workers, She is also a DREAMER, Will be a Sophomore at the University of Nebraska Omaha, Omaha, NE; Dr. Arturo Spindola , Executive Director , Latino American Commission, Lincoln, NE

Photo: Adelante Alabama Worker Center/Facebook

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