Trump and the GOP Presidential Race. Also, “Blurring Borders.”

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JULY 7.
PROGRAM # 7559 12:00 PM PT

Trump and the GOP Presidential Race.

During his presidential announcement, billionaire mogul Donald Trump called Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists. Following an uproar in the Latino community, a number of businesses and celebrities have cut ties with the conservative presidential candidate. And while some Republican leaders have disavowed and others embraced his views, most remain silent. A conservative observer comments on this controversy in the Republican presidential race.

Guest: Elías Bermudez, Director, Inmigrantes sin Fronteras, Media Commentator, Phoenix, AZ.

Also, “Blurring Borders.” Border Patrol officers and ICE agents routinely coordinate actions with anti-immigrant leaders. These are the troubling findings of a recent study by an immigrant advocacy organization. The report, titled “Blurring Borders,” examines the collusion between the border enforcement unions and the leaders of the organized anti-immigrant movement in the nation.

Guest: TBA, Center for New Community, Chicago, IL.

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

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