Humanitarian Crisis Continue in Puerto Rico. Also, Immigrant Teen Gets Abortion. Also, Wave of Women Candidates.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, OCTOBER 30
PROGRAM # 8188 12:00 PM PST.

Humanitarian Crisis Continue in Puerto Rico.

Nurse volunteers who just returned from Puerto Rico after providing nursing care and disaster relief and members of Congress talk about the continuing lack of food, water and shelter, the high risk of disease outbreaks and epidemics, the humanitarian and health care crisis, and urge the US administration to release more emergency aid. They also comment on the news of the day: Puerto Rico’s decision to cancel a controversial contract with an obscure energy company with links to the Trump administration.

Guests: María Rojas, Registered Nurse, National Nurses United, Tampa, Florida; Roxanna Garcia, Registered Nurse, National Nurses United, Brooklyn, NY; (Audio Segment) Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, D-IL, Washington, DC.

Immigrant Teen Gets Abortion. An immigrant teen in federal detention successfully fought the Trump administration in court to have an abortion. Democratic lawmakers grilled federal officials over suspected overstepping of their authority in dealing with female detainees.

Guest: (Audio) Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, (WA-07) Washington, D.C.

Wave of Women Candidates. Ten months after a historic march in Washington, DC, thousands of women convene in Detroit at the Women’s Convention to begin a “march to public office.” Women are at the vanguard of the resistance movement and while it has been difficult to persuade women to run for office, this year we are witnessing a wave of thousands of women who are becoming candidates for local or state positions. A leader of a progressive group that supports women in politics, comments on this topic.

Guest: Vanessa Cárdenas, Communications Director, EMILY’s List, Washington, D.C.


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