News Rundown.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7
PROGRAM # 8216 12:00 PM PT

News Rundown.

An official from a federal consumer agency reports that many people who lost money while making transactions with remittance agency Western Union can now apply to get a reimbursement, after the agency found the company responsible for failing to protect their clients against fraud. Also, listeners comment on the news of the day, including the calls for police reform and accountability, the suspicious series of wildfires throughout California, and the urgent need for more citizen and legislative action to bring relief to the crisis in immigrant communities. In addition, comments on an announcement about an official fund established to compensate victims of former Maricopa Sheriff Arpaio who were unjustly detained for more than 20 minutes during certain period of time.

Guest: Cristina Miranda, Division of Consumer and Business Education, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC

Photo: Cristina Miranda

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