Pushing Back on Mass Detention.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, APRIL 26.
PROGRAM # 7769 12:00 PM PT

Pushing Back on Mass Detention.

In a move announced as a step against mass incarceration and inhumane treatment of immigrants in detention, State Sen. Ricardo Lara proposes new standards on immigrant detention facilities in California. Known as the “Dignity not Detention Act,” the new bill would bar cities and counties from contracting with for-profit immigrant detention centers. Meantime, in Gary, Indiana, neighbors oppose plans by the prison company Geo Group to build a new immigration detention center in town. Guests also comment on a newly-signed law in Wisconsin banning local governments from issuing IDs for undocumented residents.

Guests: Rep. Raúl Grijalva, Democrat – Arizona, Washington, DC; Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee, WI, www.vdlf.org; Grisel Ruiz, Staff Attorney, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, San Francisco, CA, www.ilrc.org; Maru Mora Villalpando, director, Latino Advocacy, Organizer, NotOneMore Campaign, Seattle, WA.

Photo: carecensf.org

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