Mass Repatriations: Yesterday and Today.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9.
PROGRAM # 7735 12:00 PM PT

Mass Repatriations: Yesterday and Today.

Alfredo Gutiérrez’s father, a US citizen, was deported in the 1930s under a forced repatriation operative, under which more than one million Mexicans and Mexican Americans were rounded up and sent to Mexico. In his book, To Sin Against Hope, Gutiérrez draws a parallel between the anti-immigrant hysteria and rampant white supremacy rhetoric of that era, and the current times of mass raids and record number of deportations.

Guest: Alfredo Gutiérrez, Former Arizona State Senate Majority and Minority Leader, Author of “To Sin Against Hope: How America Has Failed Its Immigrants,” President, Maricopa Community Colleges, Phoenix, AZ.


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