Immigration Reform: Private Prisons.


A commission of current and formerly undocumented leaders sent formal recommendations to President Obama on steps his administration can take to expand relief programs and reduce the harm of current deportation practices. Meantime, people with relatives in detention are fasting in front of the White House and immigrant detainees in a month-long hunger strike and their supporters in Washington State draw attention to investments on private prison companies. An analyst gives an overview of how immigration centers work, the political influence of the companies that manage the prison system and the “bed mandate” law.

Guests: Tania Unzueta, Organizer, Campaign “Not One More,” and National Day Laborer Organization Network, Washington D.C., , ; Maru Mora Villalpando, Director, Latino Advocacy, Tacoma Washington, ; Catalina Nieto, Field Director, Detention Watch Network, Washington D.C., ; Ernestina Hernández, White House Hunger-Strike Participant, Washington, D.C.



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