Ramping Up Deportations.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MAY 23
PROGRAM # 8072 12:00 PM PST.

Ramping Up Deportations.

ICE officials announced arrests of undocumented immigrants are up and most involve convicted criminals. Advocates say the new figures are misleading and claim ICE is going after every immigrant. Meanwhile, House Republicans are working on a series of new bills to ramp up the force of deportation. One bill would allow ICE agents to carry high-power rifles and another one would give local police powers of immigration agents. And while some local governments in the conservative Central Valley oppose sanctuary policies, a small city managed to be the first in this region to become a Sanctuary City.

Guests: Oscar Chacón, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Alianza Americas, San Salvador, El Salvador; Rep. Norma Torres, D-CA, Washington, D.C.; Alex McCabe, Councilmember, Author of Resolution, Livingston, CA.

Photo: trendbase.org

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