Proposition 187: 25 Years Later.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7
PROGRAM # 8733 12:00 PM PT

Proposition 187: 25 Years Later.

California Proposition 187, a referendum initiative seeking to deny health care, education, and other public benefits to undocumented immigrants, was the first anti-immigrant state legislation of our times. Used as campaign fodder by then Gov. Pete Wilson and passed in 1994, the measure never took effect. Still, it brought seismic repercussions to the nation. According to some, it paved the way for Trump to become president and, conversely, it helped catapult into state office a number of Latino leaders who catalyzed profound changes to California and the nation’s politics. Key players share their memories and reflect on today’s impact of the infamous proposition.

Guests: Dr. David Ayón, Social Researcher, Author of “Power Shift: How Latinos in California Transformed Politics in America,” Los Angeles, CA; Kevin de León, President Emeritus, California State Senate, Los Angeles, CA; Attorney Renee Saucedo, Organizer, National Health Care Union, Eureka, CA.


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