Proposition 187: 25 Years and Beyond. Also, Deported Veterans.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11
PROGRAM # 8735 12:00 PM PT

Proposition 187: 25 Years and Beyond.

In 1994, California voters passed a proposition championed by then Gov. Pete Wilson to deny social benefits to undocumented immigrants and get them out of the country. Today, the Latino caucus, the largest ever in California’s legislature, has a message for Wilson: “Thank you, Pete,” because while it since while it generated copy-cat anti-immigrant policies in other states, it also motivated millions of new citizens to vote, energized a new generation of activists, doubled Latino representation in Sacramento, brought progressive and immigrant-friendly policies, and changed California from red to blue. What’s in the future of current nativist policies and rhetoric in the US?

Guests: (Audio Segments) Maria Elena Durazo, State Senator, Los Angeles, CA; Fabián Núñez, Former Speaker, California State Assembly, Los Angeles, CA; Antonio Villaraigosa, Former Speaker, California State Assembly, Ex Mayor of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

Deported Veterans. On Veterans Day, non-citizen veterans who have been deported say they feel abandoned and betrayed. Some survive in their new country after having survived wars. Hundreds of veterans have been deported in recent years, amid calls to stay their removal or bring them back to the US. On other story, US Senators propose to protect a program that shields certain undocumented family members of US troops from deportation, a program that the Trump administration wants to end. Those and other news stories are aired in this program.


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