Heat on Republican donors. Also, Latino Republicans kiss comprehensive reform goodbye this year.


Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Dominos Pizza and Home Depot give enormous contributions to political action committees that support the House Republican leadership. A new campaign is urging these major Republican donors to take a bolder stand on immigration reform and to pressure Speaker Boehner to move immigration reform forward. We explore the prospects for Republican action with a main organizer.

Guest: Jaime Contreras, Vice President and Area Director, SEIU Local 32BJ, Washington, DC, www.seiu32bj.org

Also, Latino Republicans kiss comprehensive reform goodbye this year. Prominent Latino conservatives state that a package of immigration bills should provide legal status to undocumented immigrants, but not a special path to citizenship. We speak with one of letter’s signers.

Guest: Alfonso Aguilar, Executive Director, Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, Washington, DC, http://americanprinciplesproject.org

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