Preparing for DAPA.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MAY 28.
PROGRAM # 7531 12:00 PM PT

Preparing for DAPA.

As in New Orleans an appeals court refused to lift the injunction blocking President Obama’s deportation-relief actions, immigrant rights’ activists are joining forces with California’s Attorney General to launch a series of community forums across the state to give consultations and guidance to the undocumented and help them apply for temporary protection under DAPA and DACA programs. While the executive actions continue on hold, advocates anticipate the courts will eventually side with the actions.

Guests: Juan Rodriguez, Spokesperson, Office of the Attorney General, California Department of Justice, Sacramento, CA; Italia Garcia, Regional Coordinator, Mi Familia Vota, Riverside, CA; Yesenia Padilla, college student whose parents may be eligible for DAPA, UC Riverside, Riverside, CA

Photo: Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice/Facebook

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