Pro-immigrant Package. Also, 100 Women, 100 Mile Pilgrimage.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8.
PROGRAM # 7604 12:00 PM PT

Pro-immigrant Package.

California’s legislature has passed several pro-immigrant bills, including one to protect immigrant crime victims against the threat of deportation and another one, signed by Gov. Brown, to remove the term “alien” from the state labor code. An effort seeking a federal waiver to allow the undocumented to buy insurance plans in California’s market exchange was shelved. This program also looks into the politics of Central Valley legislators who are stalling landmark climate change bills claiming they will harm their middle class constituencies.

Guest: Araceli Martinez, Reporter/Commentator, Los Angeles; State Senate President Pro Tempore Kevin de León (audio segments), Sacramento, CA.

100 Women, 100 Mile Pilgrimage. A group of women are embarking on a 100 mile march, from a detention center in Pennsylvania to Washington’s Basilica to take the message of dignity to immigrant to Pope Francis, coinciding with the Pope’s meeting with President Obama and address to Congress.

Guest: Juana Flores, Co-director, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, San Francisco, CA,


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