Non Citizen Vote. Also, DACA, DAPA to the Supreme Court.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10.
PROGRAM # 7649 12:00 PM PT

Non Citizen Vote.

In the latest of a growing movement to revive the support for voting rights for non citizens, bills that would allow immigrants to vote in local elections have been introduced in New York City and the District of Columbia. The new laws would allow permanent residents to vote in elections for mayor, city council and others. Civic leaders who are resuming the effort discuss this issue.

Guests: José Angel Gutiérrez, Attorney and Professor at University of Texas, Arlington, Pioneer of Voting Rights Movement, Dallas, TX; George Escobar, Director of Human Services, CASA of Maryland, Hyattsville, MD,

Also, DACA, DAPA to the Supreme Court. A federal appeals court in New Orleans ruled against President Obama’s executive action providing protection against deportation for undocumented parents of citizen children and other groups. The Obama administration may be on time to appeal to the US Supreme Court and have the case reviewed in the next session of the highest court. What are the next steps?

Guest: Ignacia Rodriguez, Executive Actions Legal Fellow, National Immigration Law Center, Los Angeles, CA.


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