Migrant Deaths and Border Managing.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JULY 6
PROGRAM # 9675 12:00 PM PT

Migrant Deaths and Border Managing.

More than 50 migrants died in a trailer in the sweltering heat of Texas, as part of a rising toll of deaths of people trying to cross the border. A coalition of human rights and environmental groups warn that the number of migrant deaths along the scorching borderlands will only grow as climate change makes the Southwest one of the fastest warming regions of the US. In order to save lives from extreme heat, they question the current deterrence policy and propose a new, humanitarian, climate-informed way to manage the border.

Guests: Vicki Gaubeca, Southern Border Communities Coalition, San Diego, CA; Clara Long, Human Rights Watch, San Francisco, CA; Linda Escalante, Southern California Legislative Director, Los Angeles, CA; US Rep. Raul Ruiz, D-Coachella, Washington, DC (TBC)

Photo: Barbara Zandoval via Unsplash

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