May Day Rallies.

Monday 2_673x324MONDAY, MAY 1
PROGRAM # 8056 1:00 PM PST.

May Day Rallies.

Facing a hostile climate similar to the one of 2006, hundreds of thousands of immigrants and allies flood the streets from coast to coast in a renewed surge of protests for immigrant rights. A number of businesses are closing or allowing their employees to take the day off to join the rallies. Environmental and faith leaders are making a call to action. For the first time, May 1 groups in Los Angeles are pledging unity. This is the second hour of a two-hour news roundup about the actions in cities around the nation.

Guests: Chelis López, Contributor, Los Angeles, CA; Gabriel Villalobos, Host, Contacto Total, KNUV, Phoenix, AZ; Christine Newmann-Ortiz, Executive Director, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee, WI; Gerardo Guzmán, News Director, Radio La Jefa, Birmingham, AL; César Espinosa, Executive Director, FIEL-Houston, Houston, TX; Samuel Nuñez, Director, Fathers and Families of San Joaquin, Stockton, CA.

Photo: Alexia Perez/Facebook

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