Immigration Rallies.


On the day workers and immigrants choose to take to the streets to rally in support of immigration reform, analysts and advocates comment on the rallies around the nation and recent developments on the immigration reform debate. Listeners share their views and opinions about the rallies and give information on demonstrations happening near their cities.

Among the issues aired: the referendum in Oregon to repeal a law granting drivers licenses to the undocumented, the use of county courthouses in Milwaukee to detain immigrants, the struggle for a raise in minimum wage in Seattle, and a civil disobedience action in the office of House Speaker John Boehner.

Guests: Juan José Gutiérrez, Immigration Activist, Vamos Unidos, Los Angeles, CA, ; Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee, WI, ; Ricardo Rodríguez, Member of One America, Washington, D.C., ; Diana Lopez Bautista, Spokesperson Marcha 1º de Mayo, Member of La Coalición 1º de Mayo and El Comité, Seattle, WA, ; Paulina Hermosillo, Reporter, Radio Bilingüe, Salem, OR.

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