Anti “Sanctuary City” Bill Blocked.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20.
PROGRAM # 7634 12:00 PM PT

Anti “Sanctuary City” Bill Blocked.

A Republican-sponsored bill targeting “sanctuary cities” failed to advance in the US Senate. The measure, that would have imposed harsher penalties for illegal reentry and cut off federal funds for states and cities that refuse to comply with ICE detainer requests, was blocked by Senate Democrats. This program brings breaking news on this story. In other news, immigrants are holding fasts in New Orleans, Los Angeles and other locations to protest the delays of the court to reach a verdict on a challenge to the DACA/DAPA programs. An immigrant on her seventh-day of fasting joins this program.

Guests: Marielena Hicapié, Executive Director, National Immigration Law Center (NILC), Los Angeles, CA,; Richard Morales, National Director of Advocacy, Hispanic Federation, Washington, D.C.,; Isabel Medina, Immigrant from Los Angeles, participant in Fast, New Orleans, LA;  Attorney Rosalba Piña, Immigration Law and Citizenship Expert, Chicago, IL

Photo: Tribuno Del

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