Immigration Reform: The Deportees (second hour).


This extended hour features live interviews with activists from the site of the arrest of fifteen demonstrators at the gates of the Atlanta ICE office and twelve arrested for blocking the way of a deportation ICE bus in Chicago. Demonstrators urge President Obama to halt deportations and expand deferred action the way DHS is doing it to stop deporting military families. In addition, the father of a mother who was shot and killed by a border patrol agent is in Washington to call for policies that revitalice, not militarice, the border area.

Guests: Adelina Nicholls, Executive Director, Georgia Latino Human Rights Alliance, Atlanta, GA, ; Tania Unzueta, organizer, National Day Laborer Organizing Network, Chicago, IL,; Valentin Tachiquin, father of citizen killed by Border Patrol agent, Southern Border Communities Coalition, San Diego, CA (interviewed from Washington, DC)

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