Immigration Reform: The Final Hours (special program 2 hrs).


House Speaker John Boehner closed a window of opportunity for the millions of undocumented immigrants by declaring that no formal talks will be held on the Senate-passed bill. Other Republican leaders have said that immigration reform will not pass in 2013. In response, pro-immigrant demonstrators are escalating their protests, from dramatic hunger strikes to street actions to vigils, they have been dogging the House Republican leaders. This program includes an interview with the undocumented child who questioned Speaker Boehner at a restaurant in Washington.

Guests: Cristian Avila, Dreamer, Fast for Families, Washington, DC, ; Carmen Lima, 13 year-old student and activist, Chula Vista, CA; María del Carmen Lima, mother of Carmen, Chula Vista, CA; Juan Hernández, Republican media commentator, Dallas, TX,


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