The Muslim Ban.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6
PROGRAM # 7991 12:00 PM PST.

The Muslim Ban.

Ahmed Ali, a California Yemeni-American, and his daughter Eman ended up stranded in Africa after Trump banned refugees and visitors from some Muslim countries. His 12-year-old daughter was not allowed in the US despite having a valid US immigrant visa. They are now part of a class action lawsuit against Trump’s ban. Following a court order, Eman was allowed in and they arrived to San Francisco. The employer of Ahmed talks about the ordeal his store manager is going through, the impact on his business and the local efforts to have him bring his daughter to the US. Also, a Muslim leader and a Lebanese immigrant discuss the impact this travel ban is having in their communities in the US and abroad.

Guests: Camerino Muñoz, Owner, Buy-N-Save Market, Los Baños, CA; Ghassan Habib, Spokesperson, Islamic Center, Fresno, CA; Dr. Hafeez Rehman, Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Amsterdam, NY.


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