The Immigration and Nationality Act Turns 50.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6.
PROGRAM # 7624 12:00 PM PT

The Immigration and Nationality Act Turns 50.

Fifty years ago this week, President Johnson signed the Immigration and Nationality Act into law, a landmark legislation that removed race-based quotas and opened the doors to immigrants from all over the world. This was the last of the historic reforms passed during the Civil Rights Movement era. What was the goal of the INA? How did it change the US? What are the opportunities and challenges ahead? An expert also comments on a recent snafu in the bulletin that advises those waiting to get an immigrant visa.

Guests: Cecilia Muñoz, Director, White House’s Domestic Policy Council, Assistant to the President, Washington, DC; Victor Nieblas Pradis, National President, American Immigration Lawyers Association, Los Angeles, CA; Attorney Rosalba Piña, Immigration and Citizenship Law Expert, Chicago, IL.


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