Slavery in the Fields on Prime Time TV.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, MARCH 30
PROGRAM # 8031 12:00 PM PT

Slavery in the Fields on Prime Time TV.

In its third season on the ABC network, the award-winning drama TV series “American Crime” tells the story of undocumented Mexican workers who suffer exploitation and abuse in a modern-day slavery system in fictional Hesby Farms, in the tomato fields of North Carolina. Writers of the TV series comment on the stories behind the drama. And, on the eve of César Chávez Day, a farm labor leader reflects on the impact of Chávez legacy on today’s organizing work.

Guests: Janine Salinas Schoenberg, Staff Writer, American Crime; Moisés Zamora, Staff Writer, American Crime.


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One Response to Slavery in the Fields on Prime Time TV.

  1. Maria Guadalupe Orozco said: Tener mas informacion viable para todos los que no se les facilitan las redes sociales ya que pasamos a ser esclavos comenzando por los contratistas y luego «las preferidas» de ellos y por ultimo los lambiscones de las «preferidas». Porque no se obliga a los dueños a convivir un poco directo con trabajadores ya que pasamos a ser esclavos de los lambiscones congeneres.HAY UNA HISTORIA DE DOLOR EN CADA SER HUMANO.

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