The Legal Battle Against SB4. Also, Fresno: Anti-Protest Crackdown?

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MAY 16
PROGRAM # 8067 12:00 PM PST.

The Legal Battle Against SB4.

Sanctuary Cities are now officially banned in Texas and police officers may soon check immigration papers. The fight moves now to the courts, where LULAC became the first to file a legal challenge on behalf of the small town of El Cenizo. This is a conversation with the lead attorney.

Guest: Luis Vera, Attorney, National General Counsel, LULAC, San Antonio, TX.

Fresno: Anti-Protest Crackdown? Four young activists are facing charges in Fresno, CA, weeks after organizing a peaceful rally to protest local police collaboration with deportation operations. Leaders of faith-based and community groups say this targeting of leading activists seeks to intimidate and stifle dissent, and are urging authorities to drop the charges. Are these arrests part of a national surge of policies and practices from conservative officials to crack down on peaceful protests?

Guests: Rabbi Rick Winer, Temple Beth Israel, Fresno, CA; Rev. Christopher Breedlove, Community United Church of Christ; James Mendez, Retired Physician, Fresno, CA; Reza Nekumanesh, Director, The Islamic Cultural Center, Fresno, CA; César Casamayor, Prosecuted Activist, Fresno, CA


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