Executive Action and Humanitarian Crisis at the border.


President Obama’s decision to delay his review of U.S. deportation policies until the end of the summer was received with disappointment among some and support among others. News developments to discuss include the federal action to provide relief and care to unaccompanied children from Mexico and Central America who are crossing the border in growing numbers. A community worker reports on the severe humanitarian crisis affecting families who have been detained and transferred to Arizona, and an expert says children migrate to escape the spiral of gang and drug-cartel violence that worsens by the day in Central America.

Guests: Eliseo Medina, Former International Secretary-Treasurer of the Services Employees International Union, Leader of Fast for Families, Washington, D.C.; Linda Herrera, Volunteer, Phoenix Restoration Project, Phoenix, AZ, https://www.facebook.com/RestorationProjectPhoenix ; Sonia Nazario, Journalist, Writer, Enrique’s Journey, Los Angeles, CA, www.enriquesjourney.com

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