Immigrants Caught in Old Criminal Law System. Also, Texas’ Punitive SB4.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MAY 9
PROGRAM # 8062 12:00 PM PST.

Immigrants Caught in Old Criminal Law System.

A new report warns progressive city and county leaders that to protect immigrants is not enough to support sanctuary policies. They need to end a number of criminal justice practices that criminalize poverty, penalize low-level offenses, and trap immigrants in the deportation web. One of the authors joins the conversation.

Guest: Michael Velarde, Communications Director, Immigrant Defense Project, New York, NY.

Texas’ Punitive SB4. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a tough bill to crackdown on “Sanctuary Cities,” passed by the Republican-controlled state legislature. Critics call it one of the most draconian “Show Me Your Papers” legislation of the style of the ill-fated SB 1070 law in Arizona. A border city filed the first lawsuit against the law and a national organization issued a “travel alert” warning everyone traveling in or to Texas.

Guests: Fernando Garcia, Executive Director, Border Network for Human Rights, El Paso, TX


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