Immigration: Decision Time.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27.
PROGRAM # 7639 12:00 PM PT

Immigration: Decision Time.

A ruling on the programs of deferred action for undocumented parents of US children is stuck in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals of New Orleans. If the judges fail to make a ruling this week, the US Supreme Court may not hear the case next year. Hundreds protest against these delays. Also, in North Carolina, Gov. McCrory has three days to sign or reject a bill that targets undocumented immigrants in the state, including a prohibition to local communities to release ID cards for undocumented residents. These and other news are discussed in this immigration edition.

Guests: Elizabeth Roque, Member, Make the Road New Jersey, Elizabeth, NJ; Sara Cullinane, State Director and Lawyer, Make the Road New Jersey, Elizabeth, NJ; Angeline Echeverria, Executive Director, El Pueblo, Raleigh, NC,; Zenen Jaimes Perez, policy and advocacy analyst, United We Dream, Washington, DC,

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