Executive Action Challenged. Also, Apparel Industry and Central American Children.

tuesday_673x324_2House Republicans voted to block President Obama’s executive actions on deportations and a coalition of Republican states led by Texas announced a lawsuit challenging Obama’s authority on immigration. A top representative of the White House comments on the prospects for the deportation relief program as well as its financing plans.

Guest: Cecilia Muñoz, Assistant to the President and Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, Washington, DC; Larry Kleinman, Member of the Board of Directors, Fair Immigration Reform Movement, www.fairimmigration.org.

Also, Apparel Industry and Central American Children. Immigrant advocates push apparel industry companies which do profitable business in Central America to contribute millions to a legal defense fund for thousands of Central American children who face the threat of deportation in the US.

Guest: Ivonne Quiroz, Project Director, Transnational Institute for Grassroots Research and Action, Oakland, CA.

Photo: SEIU via twitter

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