Town Hall Meeting on Future of DACA.

Wednesday 2_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20
PROGRAM #8160 6:00PM-7:00PM PST.

Town Hall Meeting on Future of DACA.

Radio Bilingüe and community organizations convene in a town hall meeting in Fresno to air public opinions about the humanitarian impact of President Trump’s ending of DACA. What’s Congress doing to bring relief to Dreamers? What are local authorities doing to protect families from being broken apart? In this second hour of the forum, local and state public officials dialogue with activist DACA beneficiaries, civic leaders and community advocates. The English-language forum aired live from the campus of Fresno City College.

Guests: Assemblymember Dr. Joaquin Arambula, Fresno, CA; Councilmember Esmeralda Soria, Fresno, CA; Trustee Miguel Arias, State Center Community College, Fresno, CA; Trustee Claudia Cazares, Fresno Unified, Fresno, CA; Brenda Ordaz, Brisa Cruz, Luis Ojeda, Pedro Ramirez, Javier Vasquez, Young Immigrant Leaders; Margarita Rocha, Centro La Familia; Stanley Santos, Valley Watch Network, Faith in the Valley; Guadalupe Cervantes, El Despertar del Sueño Americano; Fr. Joaquin Arriaga, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church; Sophia Bautista, Student Leader, Fresno City College; Mohamed Talib, Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministries; Mirna Martínez, American Friends Service Committee; Melissa Hurtado, Health Access; Eduardo Ramírez, CRLA Foundation; Antonio Cortés, UFW, Madera, CA; Paul García, Community Organizer, Delhi, CA.


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