Presidential Candidates Forum on Immigration.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JUNE 3
PROGRAM # 8620 12:00 PM PT

Presidential Candidates Forum on Immigration.

After California moved up the primary, presidential candidates are flocking to campaign in the state. This weekend, immigrant and civil right organizations, engaged with Democratic Presidential candidates in a conversation about the issues that most directly impact immigrant communities in the United States. The forum, announced as a first and held in Pasadena, in the area of Los Angeles, hosted four candidates: Senators Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders, HUD Secretary Julián Castro, and Gov. Jay Inslee. The candidates answered questions from activists and people impacted by immigration policies. This program airs highlights of the conversations.

Guests: (Audio Segments) Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Secretary Julián Castro, Gov. Jay Inslee, Democratic Presidential Candidates, Pasadena, CA; (Recorded Interviews) Ignacio Azevedo, Immigrant Action Fund, New York, NY; Julio López, Defensa Laboral, Texas; Arlethe Morales, Casa de Acción, Pennsylvania; Diana Bautista, CHIRLA Action Fund, Los Angeles, CA; Participants , Pasadena, CA; Angélica Salas, Executive Director, CHIRLA, Co-Sponsor of Presidential Forum.

Photo: Chirla ActionFund/Facebook

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