Banning Private Prisons. Also, Fasting for DAPA.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13.
PROGRAM # 7629 12:00 PM PT

Banning Private Prisons.

A Latino congressman has introduced a bill in Washington, named “Justice is not for Sale Act,” to end family detention, ban for-profit prisons and curb a mandate requiring federal agencies to fill tens of thousands of beds for detained immigrants. This and other immigration news are analyzed in this program.

Guests: Rep. Raul Grijalva, Democrat – Arizona, Washington, DC; Maru Mora Villalpando, Director, Latino Advocacy, Organizer, Not One More Campaign, Seattle, WA.

Fasting for DAPA. Immigrants begin fasting for nine days at the building of the federal court of appeals in New Orleans asking the judges to lift their hold on President Obama’s executive orders for deferred deportation. A fasting mother discusses the reasons of her protest.

Guest: Isabel Medina, Immigrant from Los Angeles, Participant in Fast, New Orleans, LA.


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