Sexual Exploitation.

thursday2_673x324Immigrant women and girls often suffer in silence sexual exploitation in their workplaces. These workers are subjected to rape or sexual harassment with impunity and don’t report abuses for fear of retaliation. Undocumented women worry about being fired or deported, and those with temporary contracts dread losing their guest-worker visas and jobs. What are the legal rights of these women in the workplace? What legislative efforts are underway to bring stronger protections? Also, in this edition people report cases of sexual abuse and sexual harassment.

Guests: Mily Trevino-Sauceda, President, Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, Bakersfield, CA, ; Ramona Félix, Assistant Coordinator, Líderes Campesinas, Oxnard, CA, ; Brenda Andazola Acosta, Director and Coordinator of Proyecto Mujeres Migrantes, Centros de Derechos al Migrante, México, DF, ; Librada Paz, Board Member for Rural Migrant Ministry, Brockport, New York,

Photo: SPLC

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