Latino State of Census. Also, Fifth Migrant Child Dies in Detention.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MAY 22
PROGRAM # 8612 12:00 PM PT

Latino State of Census.

The National Latino Commission on Census 2020 is releasing today a new report on the state of the census for Latinos, in which they warn that the census is in serious peril, and give recommendations, asking Congress to intervene and eliminate the question on citizenship and allocate more funds for preparations, and to the federal administration they ask to safeguard the confidentiality of information and other measures to better count the Latino community. Warning that children younger than age 5 are usually undercounted more than any other group, they they demand a campaign to ensure all young Latino children are counted, as well as special measures to ensure cibersecurity.

Guests: Alex Padilla, California Secretary of State and National Latino Census Commission Co-Chair, Washington, DC; Prof. Colin Maclay, Executive Director, Annenberg Innovation Lab, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, Los Angeles, CA.

Fifth Migrant Child Dies in Detention. A Guatemalan teen became the fifth child to die in six months while in custody of the US Border Patrol. He was being held for six days in a processing center in the Rio Grande Valley. Latino congressmembers condemn the death, denounce suspected irregularities, and call for a full investigation.

Guest: Rep. Raul Ruiz, D-CA, Washington, D.C.


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