Tracking the Missing. Also, Helping the Double Invisible.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, DECEMBER 12
PROGRAM # 7951 12:00 PM PST.

Tracking the Missing.

Heightened border security has pushed migrants to deadly crossings. Thousands have died and their families have no process to find them. Now a human rights group is using forensics to help migrant families identify loved ones who died at the US Mexico border. Members of the group discuss their work and encourage families to file a missing person report.

Guests: Mirza Monterroso, DNA Program Manager, Colibri Center for Human Rights, Tucson, AZ; Katheryn Rodriguez, Coordinator, Red de Familiares de Migrantes Desaparecidos y Fallecidos – Colibri Center for Human Rights, Tucson, AZ.

Helping the Double Invisible. A Mexican human rights organization has launched a campaign to reach Mexican migrants who, for being undocumented in the US and for not having their birth certificate in Mexico, are doubly invisible. They have no proof of nationality. At the urging of this organization, a law was passed, giving Mexican consulates the ability to process birth certificates.

Guest: Joan Martínez, Outreach Coordinator, Be Foundation, Mexico City.


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