Elvira Arellano, Detention Centers and More.


An exclusive interview with deported activist Elvira Arellano, who re-entered the U.S. after being detained and released at the border. Also, a hunger strike of immigrant detainees in Washington spread to Texas, putting the spotlight on private immigration detention centers. And an update on a pro-reform national bus tour that has engaged constituents and members of congress after visiting almost 30 congressional districts on its way to the nation’s capital.

Guests: Elvira Arellano, immigration activist, Chicago, IL; Maru Mora Villalpando, Speaker for pro-immigration movement, “Not one More,” y “Latino Advocacy,” Washington, www.notonemoredeportation.com/about/ , www.latinoadvocacy.org ; Martina Grifaldo, Director of “Alianza Mexicana,” Houston, TX; Eliseo Medina, Labor Council Veteran and Speaker for campaign “Ayuno por las Familias: Un llamado para la Reforma Migratoria y la Ciudadanía,” www.fast4families.org/tour/



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