Immigration Edition. Also, A coalition of undocumented student leaders and legal scholars is proposing that California begin employing undocumented students at the ten University of California campuses.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, JANUARY 31
PROGRAM # 9902 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

New Mexico lawmakers proposed last week a bill that would ban local governments and state agencies from beginning new contracts with ICE and private immigrant detention facilities. The bill would end contractual agreements at the Otero County Processing Center in southern New Mexico and watch others more closely.

Guest: New Mexico State Senator Gerald “Jerry” Ortiz y Pino, Santa Fe, NM.

A coalition of undocumented student leaders and legal scholars is proposing that California begin employing undocumented students at the ten University of California campuses. The proposal calls for the state to defy current interpretations of a 1986 federal immigration law that prohibits U.S. employers from hiring undocumented immigrants. Because, in their analysis, the law does not apply to states.

Guests: Jeffrey Umaña Muñoz, Student Leader, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Astghik Hairapetian, Legal Expert, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: BBC World Service Valeria Perasso via Flickr

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