Immigration Edition. Also. Primaries: The Fight for the Latino Vote.

Tuesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1.
PROGRAM # 7795 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his top deputies were found in civil contempt by a federal judge for violating court orders to stop racial profiling against Latinos. Now the Maricopa sheriff may face criminal charges. This edition also include an exclusive report on the killing of young Honduran refugee Erick Naun Castro Peña, who was deported after pleading for his life with immigration authorities in the US.

Guests: Valeria Fernández, Correspondent, Phoenix, AZ; Lilian Peña, Mother of Murdered Deportee, Los Angeles, CA; Pablo Alvarado, National Day Laborer Organizing Network – NDLON, Los Angeles, CA.

Primaries: The Fight for the Latino Vote. With their race in a dead heat, Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders hold intense rallies throughout California, targeting the highly divided Latino vote. Campaign officials comment on this and other developments, on the week before the virtual final act of the primary season.

Guests: Antonio Villaraigosa, Former Mayor of Los Angeles, Hillary Clinton Surrogate, Los Angeles, CA; César Vargas, Latino Outreach National Team, Bernie Sanders for President Campaign, Los Angeles, CA.


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