Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JUNE 12
PROGRAM # 8357 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Republicans in the US House are now talking about offering a “special visa as a bridge to citizenship” for Dreamers, and warn about resorting to the discharge petition if conservative hardliners derail the talks about a solution to DACA. Also, in one of the largest workplace mass raids in recent years, ICE agents arrested 114 workers at an Ohio landscaping company, using dogs and helicopters. Local activists and officials are stepping in to help families affected by the raid. And an expert gives perspective to Attorney General Jeff Sessions decision to deny asylum to victims of domestic abuse and gang violence.

Guests: Baldemar Velasquez, President, Farm Labor Organizing Committee-FLOC, Toledo, OH; Carlos Spector Calderon, Immigration Attorney, Expert on Political Asylum, El Paso, TX.

Photo: Raul Peimbert/Facebook

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